Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday January 2nd - Church in Morong

Yesterday we attended our Sunday Services in Morong where we are assigned. The full time Sister Missionaries were there and fortunately they are always sitting with us to translate. Otherwise we would just sit there in wonderment. It was fast and testimony meeting and that makes for a more interesting meeting as we get to hear the members bear their testimonies and hear their stories. It is impressive to hear of how the Gospel has blessed them and how they have endured their trials. These are pretty humble people that find their happiness in a third world county. Their struggles to survive, to have jobs, good health or endure their illnesses are impressive and they find a sense of humor through it all.

I heard a young man about to leave on his mission full of faith and excitement upon the venture of spreading the Gospel. Another young man awaiting his mission call here soon. I heard a single mother who came back to activity in the church through the encouragement and fellowship of other sisters and her children. One of her children bore her testimony that she was so relieved that her mother returned. That same mother is serving as the Relief Society Secretary. All that spoke today expressed their faith in the New Year and expressed gratitude for their membership.

Baptisms are happening here but the retention rate is low. Sister Araneta told me that the area is difficult to work and keeping new members strong is a challenge. She was the teacher for Relief Society today and she spoke (I heard this through another translator) about how to fellowship new converts. Most everyone in the room had joined the church within the last five years so they could tell of how they felt when they joined the church and what they felt needed to continually attend. Many just said that it was the friendship. So it was discussed at length the importance of fellow shipping and the importance of Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching. Sister Araneta herself became a member just a few years ago. The one thing that I noticed about new converts and what I saw there in the branch is the light of happiness in their faces and the desire to be apart of the Gospel. They are all poor people, wearing what they have or what they can find that is appropriate to wear to church coming to be apart of the meeting. Singing the hymns, partaking of the sacrament and earnestly listening or participating in the meeting. The young girl playing the piano can barely play but she is there every week trying and being the accompaniment to our meetings hymns. No one cares how well she can play we are all there doing the best we can. A good way to start the New Year.

The last time we were here I asked the Sister Missionaries where they bought their stockings as they wear stockings all the time. Some stockings are black in color, some skin tone. She was showing me that she wears knee highs but they were very worn looking. So as a surprise Christmas Present I bought each of them two pairs each, one in black and the other in skin tone. They were both very appreciative of them. I would imagine they wear them out in a short time. I was glad to do something for them.

On January 4th we will leave for Cebu to see our Officers there, attend a temple session and whatever else we need to do.


  1. Hello there Elder And Sister B. I am now a follower on your nice blog. jfrankdoug is my account. Thanks for the wonderful time we had with you and for the pizza. (Francis Dolino)

  2. Your welcome Francis. It was great to see all of you.
