Sunday, March 13, 2011

Morong Sacrament meeting March 13, 2011

Every week in our assigned branch we have a few children come to sit with us.  Today one of the regulars came to sit by Elder Burningham and Elder takes the time to help her understand the hymn book and sings.  She is 10 years old and can read English pretty well. But mostly her language is Tagalog.  We have to have someone translate for us what she says. 

She comes to church with her Grandmother but prefers to sit with us if she sees us.  Usually Elder likes to show kids magic, like taking off his thumb or how he makes a coin disappear by rubbing it on his leg.  After a few moments she went back to her grandmother and grabbed a little boy who was sitting with her and took him by the hand to come sit by us.  Elder B did the thumb trick but not the coin.  He went back to his Grandmother after awhile.  I guess he thought he was too strange. I haven't seen him before so I don't know how used to going to church was for him.  He had a difficult time staying in Primary. 


  1. We were wondering how many attend the branch so we could compare it to those we attended in other countries?

  2. Bill, I think there were 50 attending Sacrament meeting there yesterday. Maybe a little more. The branch takes in three communities and transportation is an issue. Retention is a problem here due to economics. But on the average there is 50 at least.
