Elder Burningham is conducting an interview via the Vidyo Technology
with a prospective Officer in Guard that is needed in Cebu.

This is food set up for the open house for the contractors and construction workers and their families who worked on the temple. Most are not members of the church so as a special day to honor them Area Presidency held an open house for them exclusively. I looked over the table and found an interesting treat that is a rolled waffle with cheese in the middle. I was asking about it at the table and told them I would like to try it. A young Filipino girl about 9 or 10 years old and speaks English very well told me flat out that "You'll Regret it". She does not like this waffle with cheese in it. I tried it and it wasn't all that bad. Funny though the way she said it. She was dead serious and looked right at me..."You'll regret it".

We invited the officers of the police department to come to this open house and see the mechanics of the temple and also to have a special tour inside the temple. They have been asked to help patrol the temple and help with traffic flow. The officers were very impressed and snapped pictures where they could.

Above is the Generator system to the temple that works well. We were in a meeting with the contractor, the engineer, temple presidency and others when the hand over of the temple was handed over to the church. We were there because the security was handed over to us. The Cebu security staff is in place with the exception of one guard that we are interviewing for. During this meeting the lights flickered and the question was posed..."What happens when there is a power outage?" The contractor said, "Well you have just witnessed it...the natural power has been out for an hour and a half and we have been running on our own generator. We are now on the regular city power now." You can see they are made by Catapillar.

Above is the water filtering system. Huge.
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