Monday, March 8, 2010

Our experience.

I posted some pictures and comments. I hope that you can see them all right. Our experience at all our meetings were wonderful. It was fast and testimony meeting today and the branch president's wife translated for me. Most of what is said is in Tagalog with a few words of English thrown in. I wanted to feel the spirit and I did. The mission's president wife asked me to share my testimony so I did. I relayed information forward to us in an email about how the Lord protects him missionaries in Chile during the earthquake. The Mission President of Chile had inspiration to have all his missionaries be prepared with 36 hour kits and met with each missionary and prayed with them all for their protection. Some of the missionaries asked "Do you know something we don't" All he could reply was, "If you are prepared you need not fear". And left it at that. When the quake hit it was very hard throwing people around from side to side and things falling off and buildings collapsing. Not one of our missionaries were hurt or lost. They did have to double up on their apartments as some apartments were distroyed. All were prepared and went about helping other people. I really feel the spirit of truth when I hear about how this mission president felt inspired to prepare his missionaries. He actually knew it would be an earthquake but did not want to relay that in particular to the Elders and Sister Missionaries, just helped to prepare them and pray with them. They are safe and still about the Lord's work.

Relief Society lesson was translated by an older woman in the ward (68) and she was wonderful to help me understand.

At the end of the block schedule, a young woman visited with me before she and her family loaded into a Trike (packed in I should say) and asked about the Salt Lake Temple and it was her dream to see it. I asked her how old she is as she looks to be about 16. She told me she will be 21 in April. I told her that when she is 21 she may receive her endowments and she replied "Really?" She didn't know that and will speak to the branch President about it. I told her I would be there if she elects to go to the temple. She was excited. She also bore her testimony in Relief Society. Really sweet girl. I can't believe how young these people look.

I found out that out of respect, a younger person calls an older person "mama". One young woman in RS was relating an experience that went to the temple to do ordinance work only to find out that the temple was closed for maintenance. But they were able to serve by repairing and cleaning temple clothing. She refered to our RS President as "Mama Calo", Her last name being Calo. It was done so with the upmost respect and love. I am very impressed with their love with each other. Sisters alway great their other sister with a handshake and cheek to cheek press and kiss. They treat me very warmly without knowing me. It is very impressive.

Many of the very young people who shake our hands, put our hand to their forehead as a way to show respect. In the United States we don't show that kind of emotion and would be difficult to experience it there. Interesting to experience here and we just love the Filipinos.

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