Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's day dinner Sunday Evening at Elder and Sister Ayres

After a long day traveling to church in the provinces we enjoyed a most delicious dinner at Elder and Sister Eyres. YUM!!!! We so thank them for having us over to their apartment.


  1. You said all you do is work, work, work! This looks way too fun to be work! I've printed out the blog and will drop it off for Mom in the morning :)

  2. As always, your blog looks great! I have been following it but now need to be reminded to post a comment. It sounds like the people are wonderful and loving. It is obvious from your comments that your fondness and admiration for them is growing. I particularly liked reading the comments when you asked how the Filipinos felt about our government and the senior missionaries. What a great opportunity to take people to visit the temple and teach them about baptism. People want to hear the message of the restored gospel of Christ. Thank you both so much for your service and for sharing your experiences with us. Love, Kathleen
