Jun, my haircut guy. He does a great job and I have sent all my Sister Senior Missionary friends
Dick with Facilities Management
Dennis Santiago
Alex Servidad in purchasing
Ed Mendoza - Facilities Management
Florante (Plor) Enriquez with Facilities Management
Louie Costellas
Lynna Espanola of CES
Elder Miguel Valdez - a 70 over CES
Emelda (Neneng) Meneses of Purchasing
Raymond Vicente of Purchasing
Ramon of Purchasing
Ryan Apduahn (Security front desk receptionist) in the Golf Cart
Roehl Abonado, Aleah Ballados and Stephen Notarte of Travel
Aleah in Travel with Ayen in the background on the phone
Stephen Notarte of Travel
Armando Tolentino of Treasury
Brad Anderson area controller over finance
Girlie Macalincag of treasury
The Deseret Distribution Store
Elder Bird and Elder Bell in the Mezzenine conference room
Jaime Aquino of Finance
MaeAnn Receptionist for Welfare
ICS team, George Biol, Darlene Coporal, Venna Centeno and Michael Jacob (MJ)
Roland Gaspar of ICS
Sharon Perez Area Presidency secretary
Lea Tesaluna of Finance
Dina Alves of Human Resources
Ryan Manrique of Human Resources
Armando Tolentino of Treasury
Brad Anderson area controller over finance
Girlie Macalincag of treasury
The Deseret Distribution Store
Elder Bird and Elder Bell in the Mezzenine conference room
Sister Smith of Welfare department
Elder Smith Welfare MissionaryJaime Aquino of Finance
MaeAnn Receptionist for Welfare
ICS team, George Biol, Darlene Coporal, Venna Centeno and Michael Jacob (MJ)
Roland Gaspar of ICS
Sharon Perez Area Presidency secretary
Lea Tesaluna of Finance
Marcial Evangelista of Finance
Sister Bell and Brother Franco (employee) from PEFDina Alves of Human Resources
Ryan Manrique of Human Resources
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